Sunday, December 30, 2012

Random Things About Me

Since my friend Will Sonnek decided to post 25 random things about himself, I decided I would do the same. If you want to read his blog, you can find it at:

Random Things About Me

1. I tend to run around, rushing to get from place to place. I get involved in a lot of extra things that are not school or homework related.
2. I really enjoy my Catholic faith. I do feel that my Church and my Catholic friends have really helped me get through some hard times.
3. I have recently gotten addicted to a game called "Bloons Tower Defense." It is highly addictive, so I would not recommend playing it. However, if you want, you can find it at
4. I have an awesome time during Religion class. Want to know the reason why? My teacher plays interesting videos, such as Guy on a Buffalo. If you want to watch the videos, look them up on YouTube.
5. I don't follow fashion trends. Why bother? A t-shirt and jeans are all I need.
6. I don't wear makeup. I've had a lot of people ask me, "What makeup do you use? Your skin looks so natural!" I reply with, "I don't wear makeup." Seeing the shock on their face is funny, but I truly don't wear makeup. Well, that's a white lie. I don't often wear makeup, and when I do my friends have normally done it. It's not quite my style (they load it on a little), but I'm learning how to use makeup myself.
7. I read a lot! I've already finished 2 books over my very short Christmas break.
8. I'm a big fan of dark chocolate.
9. I like braids.
10. I make friends very quickly. I'm friends with people that I email, but I only met face to face once. I also have friends on Facebook that I've never met face to face.
11. A friend of mine always argues with me on how I do my hair. I like to leave it in braids with a part to the side (not extremely to the side), she wants me to put it in a high ponytail and comb/bush my hair in the front over my head to get rid of the part.
12. I like Star Wars.
13. I like Star Trek.
14. I like Star Gate.
15. I like Doctor Who.
16. I like Science Fiction shows/movies.
17. I think J.R.R Tolkien is one of the best writers.
18. The Hobbit is my favorite book, and I have yet to see the movie.
19. The Princess Bride is my favorite movie.
20. I like to knit, and if I have a project that needs to get done, I will take it with me. I will take it to a party, I will take it on a long car trip, I will even take it to Steubenville North and I will work on it.
21. I like Ninja!
22. I really like acting.
23. I hate working on an essay, since a blank page robs me of any ideas.
24. I get to see some of my cousins once every 2 years.
25. I have an older brother that most people know nothing about.

That's all I can come up with, I hope you like it!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Late Nights

Well, despite what I used to think, I am not a night owl. Why do I say this? After 9:30, I make interesting tiepos (that was intentional). At 10, I can't think straight. Also, I have a few nights that also attest to this fact.

This summer I helped at a camp (I was the lifeguard) for diabetics. It's actually a really fun place to be. The first night I was there, only the counselors and lifeguards were at the camp. Myself and the other two lifeguards were up talking. Around 9:30, we heard splashing in the lake. I put on my swimsuit and went to investigate. It turned out that all the guy counselors decided to play "King of the Raft." I, being myself, decided to join them. The water wasn't too deep, which was a good thing since we couldn't use the ladder (it was broken). I ended up with a huge bruise from climbing on the raft, I guess I moved too fast. After we were done, we went back to our cabins to get into dry clothes. We all then returned to the campfire, which Calder had started. I tried to convince the other lifeguards to come, but it was 11 at night and they wanted to sleep. After an hour of sitting around the campfire and instructing the lifeguard (me) on all the camp games and traditions, someone suggested playing volleyball. At first we said no, but after someone said we could turn the headlights on the cars on, we thought it wasn't that bad of an idea. Well, after an hour of playing something, you can't really call it volleyball, some of us went back to the fire. At about 2:30, I said that I had to go get sleep, I had to watch kids swim tomorrow. I crept back into my cabin and laid in my bed, but I couldn't sleep. I was in the odd state where you think you're sleeping, but you're really awake. At about 4 in the morning, all of the lifeguards woke up. We talked for a while, walked around the camp, and came back to the cabin. I slept soundly after that.

The next morning, I woke up at 7, before anyone else was really awake. I had seen Kevin go, headed towards the road to run, but that was the only person I saw until 9. Turns out, we didn't have to be up until 10, which was when all of the kids were coming. At 11, the lifeguards took the kids down to the water to tell them the rules, give them a swim test, and determine the level they were at. Most of the kids passed our swim test and were allowed to swim all the way to the raft. Or walk, depending on how tall you were. By 9 at night, after much exercise and fun, all the campers were in bed. Those in the lifeguard cabin, however, had no one to take care of but ourselves at this point, so we stayed up until 11 talking. After hunkering down for the night, I discovered that I couldn't sleep. I was up until about 4 in the morning, again. The other two lifeguards woke up about then, so we talked for a while. We once again got up out of bed and walked around the camp. I slept soundly again, worried about the next day.

I woke up at 6 this time, and walked around the camp for a while. By 8, everyone else was awake and we had breakfast. The lifeguards didn't have to work until 1 in the afternoon, so we went back to our cabin. I wanted to sleep, but the other lifeguards were gossiping and playing music too loud. Not much happened that night, besides playing Capture the Flag. This night, I was determined to get a lot of sleep. Right before I did, the other lifeguards came in, talking and singing as per usual. Once again, I found myself tossing and turning late into the night. At 4 in the morning, the other two lifeguards woke up and we went walking around the camp. Back in our cabin, I feel asleep instantly.

I woke up at 7 this morning, and headed down to my friend's cabin. I sat and chatted with her and her cabin mates until it was time to go to breakfast. The lifeguards didn't have to work until 1 in the afternoon again, so I went back to the cabin to try and get more sleep. Well, someone was against me that week, because the campers continually ended up near my cabin, shouting "Have you seen Bob?" Bob was the counselors' way to scare the kids. He really didn't exist. By the time we had to work, I was beyond tired. I nearly fell asleep on the raft! Just an f.y.i, lots of kids were jumping around the raft at the time. This night was dance night, and my friend and I worked really hard on a dance. We did so just because we didn't know if there was to be a dance contest or not. There was, and I fell on my bottom. The reason why is that it was my turn to trust fall, and she forgot that part of the routine. Well, I thought the dancing would tire me out, and I would get to sleep earlier than I had in the past. Turns out, it didn't. I was up, tossing and turning until 4 in the morning (do you see a pattern yet?), when the other lifeguards woke up. Once again, we walked around the campground, came back to our cabin, and I fell asleep.

It's the second to last day of camp. I woke up at 6, and then went to my friend's cabin at 7. This day passed with no unusual events. That is, until 9 at night. The counselors and myself had an eating party in the kitchen. It was to get rid of all the extra food, since we couldn't serve it all by noon of the next day. Well, after stuffing my face and hearing a lot of blonde jokes (all aimed at me), I went back to my cabin. After tossing and turning late into the night, the other lifeguards woke up and 4 in the morning. For the last time, we walked around the campground and headed back to our cabin. I fell asleep.

The last day! It was a bitterly cold day, so the adult in charge of the lifeguards said that the lake was closed and we did not have to work. I tried to sleep in, but at 7:30 the other two lifeguards woke me up. I went to my friend's cabin and was there until 8, waiting for breakfast. Well, at about 10 in the morning, I went to my cabin to pack. I hear Kevin shout, "Hey Lifeguard!" I whirled around and shouted, "Hey Kevin!" Kevin then proceeded to shoot me, and I died over the railing of my cabin's stairs. Now, I must tell you, that Kevin shot me with an invisible poison dart. If anyone would like to know how to play, comment below. Well, after being dead for 5 minutes, one of the boys Kevin was in charge of came over and pulled the poison dart out of my neck. I thanked him, and proceeded to pack. The other lifeguards had left already, saying they needed to leave early. At noon, I called my mother, telling her that I didn't need to be picked up until 3. She told me that my neighbor, who was also at the camp, was coming home with us. At 3, no one was there besides some of the counselors, myself, and my neighbor. I called my mother, wondering where she was. Turns out, she got lost. At 3:30, my mother finally showed up. As I was putting my suitcase in the trunk, I said "Mom, could you wait a second? I have to get Kevin one last time before I leave." I turned around and was shot. It turns out, Kevin wanted to get me first. I died in the trunk, which he proceeded to try to shove me in. Thank goodness one of the counselors, Pierce (who reminded me of my uncle), pulled the dart out of my neck. As we drove away, I was able to get Kevin. After we turned away from the camp, I fell asleep. I stayed asleep until we got to my neighbor's house, where my friend was waiting for me. Turns out, she wanted to have a sleepover. I tried to convince her to go back to her house, but I failed. After staying up until 11, I finally got some sleep. I slept until 1 in the afternoon.

So, this is proof that, no matter what I thought, I am not a night owl. I hope you enjoyed this post, since it is probably my longest one yet.

Friday, November 9, 2012


Anyone who knows me very well will know that I get a little crazy when snow is involved. Well, that's an understatement. I go COMPLETELY crazy around snow. I'm sure it doesn't help that I have a March birthday. The reason I bring this up is because it snowed here in my little town a few weeks ago. However, none of the snow stayed on the ground. It upset one person on our football team, whose dream is to play football while it's snowing or when there's snow on the ground.
Speaking of my football team, we won our section game and we are now going to play against the Loyola Cardinals at Rochester! We're all hoping to win this game and go on to play at the Dome! I'm probably hoping for this more than some of the fans, since I really want to see my older brother. The connection? He lives in Minneapolis and is willing to help play pep band for our Dome game (if we get there).
Back to snow: I really want snow for another reason. It gives me an excuse to come home and drink hot chocolate, go outside and have snowball fights, and build snow forts. It gives me a reason to act like a kid again. If anyone agrees with me, leave me a comment and tell me what your favorite thing about snow is!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Minnesota Weather and Football Games

"I'M COLD!!"
This was the constant topic at our football game. I have no idea how cold it was, but I do know that I can't feel my toes, my ears are freezing, and I can't type well. However, we played a good game: 62-18, keeping our record for the year 8-0. Anyways, that's all I really had for a post.

WAIT!! I forgot to tell you guys. I think it started snowing during half-time! I can't wait for it to snow!!! Then I will have more to talk about. Also, I wrote a letter to One Direction. They're my new favorite band. Oh, and Will (Ben too): I HAVE NOTHING IMPORTANT TO SAY!

That's all, I just had to say that.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Silly Snake and Turtle

Will, you don't have to read this one.

Silly Snake and Turtle is a comic series created by a friend of mine. It's about two pets who run around, terrorize their owner, and just about destroy the house completely. This is one of my favorite comics, so funny that it makes me laugh more than the ones in the Sunday paper. My favorite thing about the comics is that Snake can hold and operate hand-held devices. How does he do it?

Turtle has his own kind of humor. Only he is able to find Joe's phone. However, he doesn't tell anyone but Snake. I wonder what they've done to the phone. Also, he seems like the apprentice, but he causes as much trouble as Snake does. Oh, what those two can't do, I don't know

Joe tends to be the victim of almost every experiment. Think about it: If he's not the one hurt, then something happens to the house. However, I don't think he has any problems with door-to-door salesmen.

Emmy isn't often in the strip, but when she is, her reaction to the experiments are surprising. She should have known when she married Joe what happens in the house. I guess she didn't fully know.

I just have one question for the artist: When are you going to post the wedding strips?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

My Book

Alright, I've made a decision. The decision is this: I will write a book.
What is the book about? My life in the past year.
Not very exciting you say? Just wait until you read it. Or, excerpts of it that I will post on to my blog. My only problem is, I'm horrible at coming up with names. Because of this, I have asked lots of my friends who appear in the book to come up with a name for themselves. However, I need more help. I have assorted characters who I don't have added on Facebook and can't contact through emails.

This is a request for any names you would like me to use for the assorted characters. Comment any below, any name will do. Thank you in advance!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Power of Google

I know this one came out rapid fire after my last one, but I just saw something very disturbing to me. On Blogger, you can actually see what people typed into Google to find my blog. I try some of the keywords on Google, and guess what. I was on the first page every time, except once. Well, I shouldn't say that. I actually did show up on the first page for that one, but it wasn't my blog that showed up. There were 3 things of mine that showed up on the first page: a link to my Facebook page, a link to my YouTube profile, and a picture of me. The keyword that pulled up all this was just my name. This has shaken me a bit, because I have just realized that everything that parents say not to do on the Internet because it's easy to find for someone who's looking, is true. So, and this post has a moral to it, try to keep a lot of your personal information off of the Internet.

Some of the other keywords were "sarah surprenant blog", "schoestatt is bad", and "schoenstatt camp".

Page Views

I'm on late at night, so this post will probably make absolutely no sense. I decided to check the number of page views that I have, and these are the stats that I found:

Total Page Views: 112
Number of Post with no Page Views: 7
Most Popular Post: Will
The Nations Where People Who Read My Blog Live and Number of Page Views from each Nation: United States: 90 Russia: 17 Germany: 4 Indonesia:1
Last Time Viewed: August 5, 2012

My question is: Is my blog boring? If so, what do you want me to post an article about? Comment below.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Steubenville North

Steubenville North-St. Paul is one of my favorite places to be. We have amazing music, speakers, masses, and adoration. However, I would not recommend going if you need a lot of sleep. I'm just going to share some stories of what happened.

It's lunchtime of the second day, and our group was comparing speakers:
Emily: "Our speaker was really good, but I didn't like the conclusion to his talk."
Anna: "Me either, it was just too sad."
Me: "What was the conclusion?"
Megan: "He told a story about how a classmate of his committed suicide in the 8th grade."
Me: "What?!?!"
Emily: "Yeah. How was your speaker?"
Me: "It was really good, but he yelled a little bit. He was telling us a story about how he hated lying to his daughters."
Emily: "What was the story?"
Me: "When his oldest daughter was 12, he took her out to a fancy restaurant and bought her a nice dinner. He put a ring on her finger-"
Becca: "Yeah, he put a ring on her ring finger. Why would he do that?"
Me: "Purity ring, my dear. *one group member laughs uncontrollably at this point, at what I'm not sure* Anyway, he put a ring on her finger and wrote her a love letter. But in the letter, he had to tell her that the big strong man that she saw as her dad wasn't who he really was. He said that he had to do so not once, not twice, but five times. Then he said, 'God blessed me with 5 beautiful daughters. I think God has a twisted sense of humor."

It's now during the girls session and we finished singing You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift:
Caroline: "I just realized that the refrain of the song is so powerful. It seems like God himself is singing it to every single one of you."
Leah: "I just thought that too, no joke."
Caroline: "Let's sing that song one more time!"
After the refrain, right before the second verse:
Caroline: "Girls, I forgot it last time and I'm forgetting it now, but I don't remember the words to the second verse. Can you guys take over?"
Crowd: YEAH!
After the song:
Caroline: Now, my girls love Taylor Swift. I can't drive anywhere with them without first putting on Taylor Swift. It's so bad that I get into the van and they say, 'Can you turn on Taylor Swift now?' I'm like, 'I just sat my butt down in the seat and the van hasn't even been turned on yet! Keep your pants on!' Anyway, so you would think that I have all her songs memorized, but I really don't."

Lunchtime the second day:
Me: "Oh my gosh, we had this meal last year. Wait, I can predict what dinner will be. Dinner's going to be chicken that looks like fish and tastes like shoe rubber."
Becca: "Who eats shoe rubber?!?"
Me: "Apparently Will Sonnek does."

After dinner the second day:
Carl: "Hey Sarah!"
Me: "Hey Carl!"
Sam: "It's been half an hour."
Me: "Sam! You suck!"
*we all start laughing*
Irene: "Sarah!"
Me: "Irene! I didn't know you were here!"
*Irene and I talk for a bit*
Me: "Your last name is Anderson? Are you related to Carl?
Irene: "Yeah, he's my brother."
Me: "Really?"
Irene: "Really."
*The three of us line up for a picture and Carl is in the middle*
Me: *look up at Carl* "This is so unfair! You're so much taller than me! Irene how do you live with him?"
Carl: "She doesn't, I live in a box this big" *holds his hands four inches apart*
Me: "How do you fit in the box?"
Cameron: "You don't want to know!"

Some small notes that I want to make:

  • Not all these people that I mentioned were in my youth group. Some of them are people that I met at different places. Two of them are speakers.
  • Carl's shoulder is even with a point one inch below the top of my head. I'm about 5'4" or 5'5", so that means that he's about 6'2". 
  • The half hour thing that Sam said was a rule for The Game (you have all lost it right now). After losing it, there is a half hour grace period between then and the next time you are eligible to lose The Game.
  • The Game is a game where you try not to think about The Game (make any sense?).
  • Caroline is Australian, so read it as such.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Today at 11:50 I looked at my phone and noticed that I had a missed call. Under normal circumstances, I would probably have answered it or noticed earlier, but I had driver's ed and my phone was on silent. I go to my voice mail and get the normal pre-programmed message. Then I hear, "Hey Sarah, it's Quintin. I just thought you should know that I have cancer. I'm not sure what kind  yet, but I'll find out sometime next week. I'll keep you informed as new information comes. Please call me before noon if possible. If not, call me on Sunday."

Now, some of you may be thinking that it's just a prank, but you don't know him. He's one of the most serious people I know and wouldn't joke about something like this. He also told me once that his family has a history of cancer, so he's at a high risk for cancer. Does anyone know what I can do to help him besides cry?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

James Patterson

I recently started reading a book series called Maximum Ride. It's a story about a girl whose grown up with an odd life. Sure, she has five people she has to take care of and is learning the life lessons that we all have to learn, but there's one catch. All six of them have wings. When they were born, scientists took them and grafted avian DNA into their stem cells. The story starts in the mountains of Colorado, where 14-year olds Max, Fang, Iggy, 10-year old Nudge, 8-year old Gasman (or Gazzy), and 6-year old Angel live. They were rescued from "The School", the place where they lived up until 4 years ago, by Jeb Batchelder. However, he went missing 2 years ago and hasn't been seen since. They all think he's dead, but they never speak of it. Max, as the oldest, is taking care of everyone. This is as much as I'm going to tell you about the books. The first book is titled Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment. I'm currently on the 3rd book, and I love the series so far. I actually kind of like James Patterson as a writer, but I've only read 3 of his books, so I'm not sure I like him that much. Anyway, I recommend the series to anyone and everyone, unless they're 9 and under, then I don't believe they should read it.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Schoenstatt Camp

At a Schoenstatt camp that I was working in the kitchen for, many surprises happened.  Some were good, some were bad. These are my two favorites:

Catherine, Katie, and I were working on cookies and the dessert for the next meal. Catherine was the specific one working on the cookies, which were peanut butter blossoms. As Katie and I were dishing out cake, we hear from Catherine, "Sister Rita, is this too much for a half cup?"
"No, that's just about right. Wait, are you sure that's flour?" Sister Rita's concern was heard loud and clear.
"Yeah, it's the flour. See, this is the package I got it from."
"Catherine, could you read me the label for this bag?"
"Powered Sugar.......Shoot!!!" As it turns out, Catherine put in three cups of powered sugar instead of flour. As she examined the two bags, which were right next to each other, she loudly proclaimed "The fluffy one is NOT the flour!!!!"
Katie and I burst out laughing.

On the Tuesday that I was there, I was making frosting for the batch of cookies that we made earlier that morning. I heard the kitchen door open and immediately thought it was Catherine, who ran to our room to grab something she needed. To my surprise, I hear a male voice. It said, "Hello?" I turn around and couldn't believe my eyes. Will Sonnek was standing there, looking just a little confused. "Hey!" I nearly yelled (maybe I did, I was really excited to see him).
"Oh hey!"
"How are you?"
"Busy. You?"
"Busy. Hey, have you seen the sisters?"
"Scissors?" (Have I mentioned I have bad hearing?)
"No, sisters!"
"Oh, Sister Rita went into the village and Sisters Diane and Catherine are with the girls. Why?"
"I'm here delivering chicken and the service door is locked." This statement made me laugh, for reasons only people who read Will's blog would understand.
"Well, I don't know how to unlock the door."
*Katie walked in at this point.*
"I know how, meet me back there." Katie left with Will following, and I continued to work on the frosting. A few minutes later, Will comes back with the chicken.
"Do you know if any of your siblings are coming to Steubenville North?" I already knew he wasn't going, but I was wondering about his brother and sister.
"No idea, ask Katie." His reaction to my question was kind of funny. And Katie his sister, not Katie the helper at the camp. That was the extent of our conversation, as he had to go. But I never asked him one  important question: Was the freezer cold?

Monday, May 28, 2012

Project Inspired and Groundwire

I've recently hit a rough patch in my life. I won't go into all the details now, but once, on Facebook, I found an ad for the website Project Inspired. I didn't know what it was about, so I decided to check it out. After reading some of the articles, I decided to join as a member. I soon learned that there was a live chat. After talking for a while, I began to trust the girls on the website. After opening up to them about what was going on, I felt lighter. The girls there were so helpful in giving me advice and telling me that they would pray.

Not too long ago, the girls with Facebook created a group called the Circle of Friends. We chat and ask for prayer requests. We even have some guys who have joined us. After talking about what we do in hard situations, one girl (lets call her Kay) mentioned a website called Groundwire. I visited it and joined a one-on-one conversation with one of their spiritual coaches. He was sooooo helpful and I'm glad God lead me to both these websites.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Science Presentations

So, my Science teacher has allowed us three weeks to write a paper. That part was the easiest. But now she wants us to create a full-blown, greatly done, A+ poster over a weekend. Once again, very easy for me, but due to the fact that some of my group members are somewhat, erm, talkative, I was very reluctant about it. As it turns out, we present tomorrow, but we are NOT even CLOSE to ready. One of my partners couldn't find enough information on Mendeleev, father of the Periodic Table of Elements. We approached the teacher FIVE times, and each time she said that she would allow us to have an extension, to have this partner choose a new scientist, and that we would not present first. We even made her write it down.

SHE FORGOT!!!! She told us the last day we approached her that we should have came to her earlier. She said that we have until all the normal due dates to get this done, but she didn't give us the new scientist. So all of Christmas break, those of us who could worked on the project, but the afore-mentioned partner couldn't do anything. It was very frustrating and, to top it all off, we are the first group to present! So my Christian friends out there, pray that this partner can get everything done in time.