Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Page Views

I'm on late at night, so this post will probably make absolutely no sense. I decided to check the number of page views that I have, and these are the stats that I found:

Total Page Views: 112
Number of Post with no Page Views: 7
Most Popular Post: Will
The Nations Where People Who Read My Blog Live and Number of Page Views from each Nation: United States: 90 Russia: 17 Germany: 4 Indonesia:1
Last Time Viewed: August 5, 2012

My question is: Is my blog boring? If so, what do you want me to post an article about? Comment below.


  1. Ooh, I was your most read post?? Haha I need to go find that again XD Hmm, I like your articles, but I think you should write MORE :)

  2. I'm trying to write more, but I've been really busy this year. I'll write more as I get less busy.
