Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Late Nights

Well, despite what I used to think, I am not a night owl. Why do I say this? After 9:30, I make interesting tiepos (that was intentional). At 10, I can't think straight. Also, I have a few nights that also attest to this fact.

This summer I helped at a camp (I was the lifeguard) for diabetics. It's actually a really fun place to be. The first night I was there, only the counselors and lifeguards were at the camp. Myself and the other two lifeguards were up talking. Around 9:30, we heard splashing in the lake. I put on my swimsuit and went to investigate. It turned out that all the guy counselors decided to play "King of the Raft." I, being myself, decided to join them. The water wasn't too deep, which was a good thing since we couldn't use the ladder (it was broken). I ended up with a huge bruise from climbing on the raft, I guess I moved too fast. After we were done, we went back to our cabins to get into dry clothes. We all then returned to the campfire, which Calder had started. I tried to convince the other lifeguards to come, but it was 11 at night and they wanted to sleep. After an hour of sitting around the campfire and instructing the lifeguard (me) on all the camp games and traditions, someone suggested playing volleyball. At first we said no, but after someone said we could turn the headlights on the cars on, we thought it wasn't that bad of an idea. Well, after an hour of playing something, you can't really call it volleyball, some of us went back to the fire. At about 2:30, I said that I had to go get sleep, I had to watch kids swim tomorrow. I crept back into my cabin and laid in my bed, but I couldn't sleep. I was in the odd state where you think you're sleeping, but you're really awake. At about 4 in the morning, all of the lifeguards woke up. We talked for a while, walked around the camp, and came back to the cabin. I slept soundly after that.

The next morning, I woke up at 7, before anyone else was really awake. I had seen Kevin go, headed towards the road to run, but that was the only person I saw until 9. Turns out, we didn't have to be up until 10, which was when all of the kids were coming. At 11, the lifeguards took the kids down to the water to tell them the rules, give them a swim test, and determine the level they were at. Most of the kids passed our swim test and were allowed to swim all the way to the raft. Or walk, depending on how tall you were. By 9 at night, after much exercise and fun, all the campers were in bed. Those in the lifeguard cabin, however, had no one to take care of but ourselves at this point, so we stayed up until 11 talking. After hunkering down for the night, I discovered that I couldn't sleep. I was up until about 4 in the morning, again. The other two lifeguards woke up about then, so we talked for a while. We once again got up out of bed and walked around the camp. I slept soundly again, worried about the next day.

I woke up at 6 this time, and walked around the camp for a while. By 8, everyone else was awake and we had breakfast. The lifeguards didn't have to work until 1 in the afternoon, so we went back to our cabin. I wanted to sleep, but the other lifeguards were gossiping and playing music too loud. Not much happened that night, besides playing Capture the Flag. This night, I was determined to get a lot of sleep. Right before I did, the other lifeguards came in, talking and singing as per usual. Once again, I found myself tossing and turning late into the night. At 4 in the morning, the other two lifeguards woke up and we went walking around the camp. Back in our cabin, I feel asleep instantly.

I woke up at 7 this morning, and headed down to my friend's cabin. I sat and chatted with her and her cabin mates until it was time to go to breakfast. The lifeguards didn't have to work until 1 in the afternoon again, so I went back to the cabin to try and get more sleep. Well, someone was against me that week, because the campers continually ended up near my cabin, shouting "Have you seen Bob?" Bob was the counselors' way to scare the kids. He really didn't exist. By the time we had to work, I was beyond tired. I nearly fell asleep on the raft! Just an f.y.i, lots of kids were jumping around the raft at the time. This night was dance night, and my friend and I worked really hard on a dance. We did so just because we didn't know if there was to be a dance contest or not. There was, and I fell on my bottom. The reason why is that it was my turn to trust fall, and she forgot that part of the routine. Well, I thought the dancing would tire me out, and I would get to sleep earlier than I had in the past. Turns out, it didn't. I was up, tossing and turning until 4 in the morning (do you see a pattern yet?), when the other lifeguards woke up. Once again, we walked around the campground, came back to our cabin, and I fell asleep.

It's the second to last day of camp. I woke up at 6, and then went to my friend's cabin at 7. This day passed with no unusual events. That is, until 9 at night. The counselors and myself had an eating party in the kitchen. It was to get rid of all the extra food, since we couldn't serve it all by noon of the next day. Well, after stuffing my face and hearing a lot of blonde jokes (all aimed at me), I went back to my cabin. After tossing and turning late into the night, the other lifeguards woke up and 4 in the morning. For the last time, we walked around the campground and headed back to our cabin. I fell asleep.

The last day! It was a bitterly cold day, so the adult in charge of the lifeguards said that the lake was closed and we did not have to work. I tried to sleep in, but at 7:30 the other two lifeguards woke me up. I went to my friend's cabin and was there until 8, waiting for breakfast. Well, at about 10 in the morning, I went to my cabin to pack. I hear Kevin shout, "Hey Lifeguard!" I whirled around and shouted, "Hey Kevin!" Kevin then proceeded to shoot me, and I died over the railing of my cabin's stairs. Now, I must tell you, that Kevin shot me with an invisible poison dart. If anyone would like to know how to play, comment below. Well, after being dead for 5 minutes, one of the boys Kevin was in charge of came over and pulled the poison dart out of my neck. I thanked him, and proceeded to pack. The other lifeguards had left already, saying they needed to leave early. At noon, I called my mother, telling her that I didn't need to be picked up until 3. She told me that my neighbor, who was also at the camp, was coming home with us. At 3, no one was there besides some of the counselors, myself, and my neighbor. I called my mother, wondering where she was. Turns out, she got lost. At 3:30, my mother finally showed up. As I was putting my suitcase in the trunk, I said "Mom, could you wait a second? I have to get Kevin one last time before I leave." I turned around and was shot. It turns out, Kevin wanted to get me first. I died in the trunk, which he proceeded to try to shove me in. Thank goodness one of the counselors, Pierce (who reminded me of my uncle), pulled the dart out of my neck. As we drove away, I was able to get Kevin. After we turned away from the camp, I fell asleep. I stayed asleep until we got to my neighbor's house, where my friend was waiting for me. Turns out, she wanted to have a sleepover. I tried to convince her to go back to her house, but I failed. After staying up until 11, I finally got some sleep. I slept until 1 in the afternoon.

So, this is proof that, no matter what I thought, I am not a night owl. I hope you enjoyed this post, since it is probably my longest one yet.

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