Wednesday, August 22, 2012

My Book

Alright, I've made a decision. The decision is this: I will write a book.
What is the book about? My life in the past year.
Not very exciting you say? Just wait until you read it. Or, excerpts of it that I will post on to my blog. My only problem is, I'm horrible at coming up with names. Because of this, I have asked lots of my friends who appear in the book to come up with a name for themselves. However, I need more help. I have assorted characters who I don't have added on Facebook and can't contact through emails.

This is a request for any names you would like me to use for the assorted characters. Comment any below, any name will do. Thank you in advance!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Power of Google

I know this one came out rapid fire after my last one, but I just saw something very disturbing to me. On Blogger, you can actually see what people typed into Google to find my blog. I try some of the keywords on Google, and guess what. I was on the first page every time, except once. Well, I shouldn't say that. I actually did show up on the first page for that one, but it wasn't my blog that showed up. There were 3 things of mine that showed up on the first page: a link to my Facebook page, a link to my YouTube profile, and a picture of me. The keyword that pulled up all this was just my name. This has shaken me a bit, because I have just realized that everything that parents say not to do on the Internet because it's easy to find for someone who's looking, is true. So, and this post has a moral to it, try to keep a lot of your personal information off of the Internet.

Some of the other keywords were "sarah surprenant blog", "schoestatt is bad", and "schoenstatt camp".

Page Views

I'm on late at night, so this post will probably make absolutely no sense. I decided to check the number of page views that I have, and these are the stats that I found:

Total Page Views: 112
Number of Post with no Page Views: 7
Most Popular Post: Will
The Nations Where People Who Read My Blog Live and Number of Page Views from each Nation: United States: 90 Russia: 17 Germany: 4 Indonesia:1
Last Time Viewed: August 5, 2012

My question is: Is my blog boring? If so, what do you want me to post an article about? Comment below.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Steubenville North

Steubenville North-St. Paul is one of my favorite places to be. We have amazing music, speakers, masses, and adoration. However, I would not recommend going if you need a lot of sleep. I'm just going to share some stories of what happened.

It's lunchtime of the second day, and our group was comparing speakers:
Emily: "Our speaker was really good, but I didn't like the conclusion to his talk."
Anna: "Me either, it was just too sad."
Me: "What was the conclusion?"
Megan: "He told a story about how a classmate of his committed suicide in the 8th grade."
Me: "What?!?!"
Emily: "Yeah. How was your speaker?"
Me: "It was really good, but he yelled a little bit. He was telling us a story about how he hated lying to his daughters."
Emily: "What was the story?"
Me: "When his oldest daughter was 12, he took her out to a fancy restaurant and bought her a nice dinner. He put a ring on her finger-"
Becca: "Yeah, he put a ring on her ring finger. Why would he do that?"
Me: "Purity ring, my dear. *one group member laughs uncontrollably at this point, at what I'm not sure* Anyway, he put a ring on her finger and wrote her a love letter. But in the letter, he had to tell her that the big strong man that she saw as her dad wasn't who he really was. He said that he had to do so not once, not twice, but five times. Then he said, 'God blessed me with 5 beautiful daughters. I think God has a twisted sense of humor."

It's now during the girls session and we finished singing You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift:
Caroline: "I just realized that the refrain of the song is so powerful. It seems like God himself is singing it to every single one of you."
Leah: "I just thought that too, no joke."
Caroline: "Let's sing that song one more time!"
After the refrain, right before the second verse:
Caroline: "Girls, I forgot it last time and I'm forgetting it now, but I don't remember the words to the second verse. Can you guys take over?"
Crowd: YEAH!
After the song:
Caroline: Now, my girls love Taylor Swift. I can't drive anywhere with them without first putting on Taylor Swift. It's so bad that I get into the van and they say, 'Can you turn on Taylor Swift now?' I'm like, 'I just sat my butt down in the seat and the van hasn't even been turned on yet! Keep your pants on!' Anyway, so you would think that I have all her songs memorized, but I really don't."

Lunchtime the second day:
Me: "Oh my gosh, we had this meal last year. Wait, I can predict what dinner will be. Dinner's going to be chicken that looks like fish and tastes like shoe rubber."
Becca: "Who eats shoe rubber?!?"
Me: "Apparently Will Sonnek does."

After dinner the second day:
Carl: "Hey Sarah!"
Me: "Hey Carl!"
Sam: "It's been half an hour."
Me: "Sam! You suck!"
*we all start laughing*
Irene: "Sarah!"
Me: "Irene! I didn't know you were here!"
*Irene and I talk for a bit*
Me: "Your last name is Anderson? Are you related to Carl?
Irene: "Yeah, he's my brother."
Me: "Really?"
Irene: "Really."
*The three of us line up for a picture and Carl is in the middle*
Me: *look up at Carl* "This is so unfair! You're so much taller than me! Irene how do you live with him?"
Carl: "She doesn't, I live in a box this big" *holds his hands four inches apart*
Me: "How do you fit in the box?"
Cameron: "You don't want to know!"

Some small notes that I want to make:

  • Not all these people that I mentioned were in my youth group. Some of them are people that I met at different places. Two of them are speakers.
  • Carl's shoulder is even with a point one inch below the top of my head. I'm about 5'4" or 5'5", so that means that he's about 6'2". 
  • The half hour thing that Sam said was a rule for The Game (you have all lost it right now). After losing it, there is a half hour grace period between then and the next time you are eligible to lose The Game.
  • The Game is a game where you try not to think about The Game (make any sense?).
  • Caroline is Australian, so read it as such.