Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Halloween is one of my favorite "exercises'. This year I had to take my little brother and sister around along with my best friend's siblings. Both of our sisters were dressed as Esmerelda from the Hunchback of Notre Dame. My little brother was the Hulk, and her's was a soldier. My friend had the best idea ever. She was an Airhead. It was actually funny to see people's reactions. One of my other friends was a Nerd, but a different kind than you may think. She glues Nerds candy to her shirt and wore it around. Another friend was a Kitty Kat, with Kit Kats glued to her shirt. Me? I wasn't going to dress up, but I decided on one that my mother made. I was Rennesance Royalty. Now, most people cringe when they have to take their siblings along for trick-or-treating. But this year I hit the jackpot!! One lady just about dumped the rest of her bowl into my bag becuase I was bringing my little brother and sister along. It was actually really fun this year!!!

Sunday, October 16, 2011


I'm not quite sure how, but I recently became hooked on the song 'Dragostea Din Tei', or as it's known in American, 'Numa Numa'. I'm actually starting to like it, especially after I looked at some of the misheard/actual lyrics. Soooo, I decided to list all of the singers/songs that I like and why.

Country: Actually a genre, but I love all of them. I love them because of the meanings of the songs and trying to find a way that it's related to my life.

Free Falling by Tom Petty: I had to sign this song for American Sign Language class and I enjoyed it.

Anything on Z99: They have good beats (sorry it's general, I couldn't think of all of them).

I just realized it's a small list...........maybe I'll do books on a later day.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Sorry I haven't been writing and that some of my post are, well, strange, but school has been busy. And, what did you expect? It is about random and bizarre things that I think of, dream, or that happens. If you don't like it, you can leave this page (there is no virus keeping you here.....). 


Your stomach has grumbled before right? Well, I'm in the middle of a science test and my stomach makes the loudest one ever. Everyone heard it, but only one person looked. Well, we had an eye conversation about it, whcih lasted about 10 seconds. The funny thing about it? My Science class is right after lunch!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Random Dreams

This is a dream that I had a long time ago. I originally wrote this to my friends, so it's been edited a bit to make a bit more sense.
 I turned 13 in my dream. Someone came up to me in school and said I had 3 days to say good bye to everyone. I said good bye to everyone in my grade, except the girls who were already gone. Then I went to my room and stayed up all night until 6:56 a.m., the exact moment I was born. At that time, there was a flash of light and I was suddenly in a secluded forest. There was a beautiful building in front of me. I ran into the building. Everyone that I knew who was 13 was there. Actually, there was barely guys at all. Some girls told me it was a place that we learn how to defend us from certain things and we prayed to God to protect all of us during our training. Your whole day was planned by the one guy in the whole place, the guy who started this all. It was very fun there. The only ones who were miserable were the popular and rich girls,  since only clothes that were supplied were handwoven. The popular and rich girls saw them as ugly and bland. To the regular girls, it was a cloth made specifically for us, and we were happy to have it. After a while, a boy found us out. He decided then to attack us, as we were only girls. Because we trained for an attack like this, we defeated him. The way he found out was that he saw a path in the woods and saw me on a morning run. He followed me to the building and came back that night with his minions. We were prepared for the attack because one of the girls had a vision of them coming. Then a different boy, one most us us knew, came running in, parched and starving. He was going delirous over a different girl who had died here and was going crazy. By that time, a year had gone by, which is when training ended, and most of the girls were gone. Only specific girls were there who helped the camp in a defined way, like acting as guard or teaching the new girls.

Another thing that I should note: I had just finished reading one of the Percy Jackson books, so this dream is kind of based on it.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


My friend Will and I love to go past each other, do Spock, and yell "Si-five!!!" Recently, 2 of my friends were with me when Will and I started doing si-fives. Needless to say, they got a little annoyed and started to pull my hand down. Well, without anything else to do, Will and I started to talk. After a while, he said that he was wondering what his family was doing. I looked around and said, "Your mom's reading a book, your sisters and brother are playing a game, and your dad's over there playing football." He said, "It would be amazing if my dad's over there playing football, considering he didn't come with us. Do you mean Mr. Reising?" I said maybe and pointed out the guy to Will. He stares at him for a while and then starts freaking out. "You thought Eli was my dad!! He's 17 and I'm 19!!!" Of course, he drags me over to Eli and tells him about it, then drags me over to his siblings to tell them about it. In my defense, I wasn't wearing my glasses and Eli's back was turned to me, so he looked older.

Friday, July 22, 2011


Today I was making mac an' cheese for my younger siblings. They were really hungry, so I made 3 boxes and I knew they were going to eat it all. We have a thing on the dish I was using that lets you strain the water out. As I was straining the water out, the steam started to hurt my hands, so I was going to flip it over and wait for a while before trying again. As I was flipping it, the strainer came off on one end and I ended up burning my left hand. It hurts like crazy and I can only type with one hand now...........  I guess I deserve it however. I burned my friend's arm the other day.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My first blog.....

A random thing happened to me Monday night. I was at a baseball game and I just got a burger. I was trying to put mustard on it, when the mustard suddenly spurted out. I jumped back and accidently pointed the mustard at myself. It sprayed onto my WHITE shirt!!! It left a huge stain and I had to sit with it for another 30 MINUTES! So, I learned that I'm clumsy ( I also dropped popcorn, water, Skittles, and pop on this shirt), especially when white shirts are involved.