Friday, July 22, 2011


Today I was making mac an' cheese for my younger siblings. They were really hungry, so I made 3 boxes and I knew they were going to eat it all. We have a thing on the dish I was using that lets you strain the water out. As I was straining the water out, the steam started to hurt my hands, so I was going to flip it over and wait for a while before trying again. As I was flipping it, the strainer came off on one end and I ended up burning my left hand. It hurts like crazy and I can only type with one hand now...........  I guess I deserve it however. I burned my friend's arm the other day.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My first blog.....

A random thing happened to me Monday night. I was at a baseball game and I just got a burger. I was trying to put mustard on it, when the mustard suddenly spurted out. I jumped back and accidently pointed the mustard at myself. It sprayed onto my WHITE shirt!!! It left a huge stain and I had to sit with it for another 30 MINUTES! So, I learned that I'm clumsy ( I also dropped popcorn, water, Skittles, and pop on this shirt), especially when white shirts are involved.